Can you plant a kiss? Will it sprout? A surprising story about a young who plants a kiss which grows and grows, spreading love.
Can you plant a kiss? Will it sprout? A surprising story about a young who plants a kiss which grows and grows, spreading love.
Can a kiss be planted? Can kisses grow, bloom, and bring joy to more and more people? This is a surprising and charming book about a Little Miss who plants a kiss in the ground that blooms into a treasure of love.
Read MoreDear Parents,
Can a kiss be planted? Can kisses grow, bloom, and bring joy to more and more people? This is a surprising and charming book about a Little Miss who plants a kiss in the ground that blooms into a treasure of love.
"A blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive"
(Malachi 3:10)
Kisses are a wonderful way of expressing love, intimacy, and a strong connection. The blessing that love grows is infinite, a blessing so great that there is not enough room to receive it! Childrearing is founded upon love, and when we give our children love and kisses, we sow the seeds of confidence, trust and joy in them, "from one little kiss, endless bliss".
Enjoy reading and doing the activities together!