Books > Little Gorilla

Little Gorilla

Written and illustrated by Ruth Bornstein

Everyone loves Little Gorilla from the moment he is born. But what will happen once he’s grown?

Happy Birthday!

A birthday is an important and exciting milestone for young children, who are often anxious to be “big”. But a birthday celebration may also be accompanied by ambivalence and concern. The story about Little Gorilla gives children a sense of security in the love of those around them, assuring them that they will be loved at all ages, and under all circumstances, unconditionally.

Family Activities

A birthday is an important and exciting milestone for young children, who are often anxious to be "big". But a birthday celebration may also be accompanied by ambivalence and concern. The story about Little Gorilla gives children a sense of security in the love of those around them, assuring them ...


Classroom Activities

A birthday is an important and exciting milestone for young children, who are often anxious to be "big". But a birthday celebration may also be accompanied by ambivalence and concern. The story about Little Gorilla gives children a sense of security in the love of those around them, assuring them that they will be loved at all ages, and under all circumstances, unconditionally.

פעילות בחיק המשפחה

  • You may want to look through the book for Little Gorilla and discover where he is hiding in each illustration. Try to imagine what his fur feels like, what he eats, and how big he is. Do you also like Little Gorilla?
  • You may enjoy reading the story once more, and replacing the words Little Gorilla with your child's name. Instead of jungle animals, say the names of your friends and relatives, who all loved your child when s/he was born, and love them still.
  • Perhaps you would like to look at family photographs together, and remember what your child looked like when s/he was born. You could tell your child how happy and excited the whole family was when they were born, and share stories of the help extended by friends and relatives, as well as the joy surrounding the new addition to the family.
  • It's great to be big! You may enjoy recalling all the things your child can do today that they could not do when they were "little", such as walking, talking, reading together, feeding themselves, putting their toys away, etc. When your child helps to clear the table or tidy up the room after playtime, you may want to commend them and say: "It's great that you're so big!".
  • Little Gorilla celebrated his birthday in the jungle. You may want to imagine what the animals' party was like and discuss your thoughts. Did they make him a special cake? Or sing songs? Perhaps you could act out Little Gorilla's birthday party using stuffed animals.
  • It's nice to liken our love for our children to a plant that always grows. Before bedtime, you could kiss your child and tell them you can't wait for tomorrow to come, so that they're a little bigger, and your love for them will grow some more too.

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