Kindergarten Books > I Like to Look For…

I Like to Look For…

Written by: Miriam Roth, Illustrated by: Ora Ayal, Hakibbutz Hameuchad Publishing House

To be distributed in October/Heshvan

Ehud is a young boy who does not despair when he loses something, and is always happy with the things he finds. In this book, both search and find are an enriching and joy-filled adventure.

Family Activities

Ehud is a young boy who does not despair when he loses something, and is always happy with the things he finds. In this book, both search and find are an enriching and joy-filled adventure.


Classroom Activities

I Like to Look For…
Written by: Miriam Roth
Illustrated by: Ora Ayal

Children learn anytime, anywhere: They learn when they look for something they’ve lost, as well as when they happen to find something else along the way. They learn they can be sorry for what they’ve lost, and soon cheer up, finding joy and interest in something new and unexpected.

The heart of the wise gains knowledge
(Proverbs 18:15)

When your heart and eyes are open, you can learn from a host of possibilities the world has to offer.

Miriam Roth [1910–2005] – One of the most loved and well-known writers of Israeli children’s books. Roth wrote about 20 books, such as Tale of Five Balloons [Maʹase Ba-Chamisha Balonim], Hot Corn [Tiras Ham], and Yael’s House [HaBayit Shel Yael], that have become Israeli literary classics.

Ora Ayal [1946–2011] – Children book author and illustrator. Ayal illustrated more than 70 children’s books, among them the famous Miriam Roth works cited above, as well as six others, which she wrote herself, such as A Girl All by Herself [Yalda Levada] and One Dark Night [Layla Hashuch Ehad].


  – Find more inspiration and creative activity in our Pinterest page.

פעילות בחיק המשפחה

  • A discussion on searching and finding Following this book, you may want to embark on searches together with your parents, grandparents, or other relatives: What have you found? Were you surprised? Do you enjoy searching and finding?
  • A game of Search Cootie Catcher A game for both seekers and finders. Scan the QR code Print out, cut out and fold according to the instructions. Have you searched? Have you found? Would you like to play again?
  • Illustrations This book contains both colorful and black and white illustrations. Can you figure out when the illustrations are in black and white, and when they are multicolored?
  • A game of “what’s missing?” Place several items in a row and look closely. Take turns hiding one of the items while the rest of your family members have their eyes closed. Once it has been removed and hidden, the other players can open their eyes and start searching – Which item is now missing? Where was it hidden?
  • Pleased to meet you, I’m Hyla! I’m similar to a frog but smaller. I can be found in Israel, mostly on trees, eating insects and laying eggs in the water. I’m a protected species and therefore cannot be kept in a jar, only in nature.

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