Books > I Can Help

I Can Help

David Hyde Costello

Everyone can help somebody, no matter how young they may be. Each page of the book holds a surprise for the readers, reminding them how beautiful the give-and-take chain can be.

Family Activities

Everyone can help somebody, no matter how young they may be. Each page of the book holds a surprise for the readers, reminding them how beautiful the give-and-take chain can be.


Classroom Activities

Dear Parents,

Everyone can help somebody, no matter how young they may be. Each page of the book holds a surprise for the readers, reminding them how beautiful the give-and-take chain can be.

"Love Thy Neighbor as thyself" (Leviticus, 19: 18)

Educating children to be sympathetic and sensitive to the wills and wants of others starts with small, everyday experiences in the home and kindergarten. How can we help those around us? How do they help us? This book invites us to pay attention to the different needs people have in the world around us, and provides us with a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the good feeling we get when helping others.

פעילות בחיק המשפחה

  • "Oh No!" David Hyde Costello chose to describe the distress of the animals in the pictures. You may want to look at the illustrations together, and ask your child o explain the various problems in their own words. You could read the story together, and take turns to say "Oh No!" and explain why the animal is distressed. Each time the other can answer "I can help!" and describe the solution. Don’t forget to thank each other every time!
  • Acting the Story Out You can choose puppets or stuffed animals with your child, and use them to act out the story. You may also want to make the animal characters yourselves out of card or cardboard, attach them to popsicle sticks, and put on a play.
  • A Giving Circle Your children will probably be delighted to discover that the little duckling who was lost at the beginning of the book was able to help the mighty big elephant! No one is too little to help, and sometimes, the smaller creatures actually have an advantage. You may want to remember a time when your young child helped solve a grown-up's problem (like getting something that fell behind the sofa, or under the table, out).
  • Anyone can Help Every day, all of us, no matter how old we are, could use some help, and also elp others. You may want to think together of all the people who help you in our everyday life – siblings, friends, the kindergarten staff, and neighbors. erhaps you would enjoy establishing a family tradition whereby, at the dinner table, or before bedtime, you each recall the help you extended and received that day.
  • What Happens at the End of the Story? You may want to take a look at the last illustration in the book, and try to guess what each animal does in order to help the lost duckling.

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