Kindergarten Books > How to Build a House

How to Build a House

Written by: Maya Meitav, Illustrated by: Talia Drigues, Yediot Books Publishing House

To be distributed in April/Iyar

A bunch of kids at kindergarten decides to build a house together: They plan, implement the decisions they make step by step, and build a house in collaboration with one another. This book motivates readers to engage in teamwork, be creative and productive.

Family Activities

A bunch of kids at kindergarten decides to build a house together: They plan, implement the decisions they make step by step, and build a house in collaboration with one another. This book motivates readers to engage in teamwork, be creative and productive.


Classroom Activities

To Download and Print suggestions for Family Activities >> CLICK HERE

How to Build a House

Written by: Maya Meitav

Illustrated by: Talia Drigues

Suggestions for Family Activities

What happens when you need to work together? The group of children in this book discover that it is not always easy. You have to address different views and conflicting desires, until the magic of teamwork gradually reveals itself. Ultimately, they learn to cooperate and contribute to the team while assuming responsibility. The children are delighted to come up with solutions, and remain good friends.

Through wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established

(Proverbs 24:3)


Arts & crafts, songs and other activities are available on the Sifriyat Pijama Pinterest page

פעילות בחיק המשפחה

  • A little advice for family reading If you have read this story several times, you may want to encourage your children to try and “read” it to you in their own words. Recreating the story, with your help, contributes to their verbal abilities – allowing them to express themselves and enrich their vocabulary – while, most importantly, further enhancing your shared enjoyment of the book.
  • A discussion on our house All houses consist of walls, a roof, doors and windows: What’s special about your house? What makes it your home? You may want to discuss special objects and items found in your home, or the things you do there together.
  • A video – House of boxes What can you do in a house made of boxes? Scan to QR code to get ideas for a house that’s both real and imaginary.
  • Arts & crafts – Home building How about making a house out of blankets, cardboard boxes, sticks and clothespins? And what else would you need? Decide on a location and workplan, gather the necessary items and accessories, and off you go!
  • A game of house catch Take turns announcing a topic and having all the other players try to work together to find a suitable item. For instance, when “red” is announced, all players must search the house for a red item. In the next round, another player might call out “big”, “small”, “cute”, “old”, “multicolored”, “annoying” or “wheel”, sending the other players to look for an item matching their announced topic.

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