Kindergarten Books > Elephant on the Path

Elephant on the Path

Written by: Sharon Uhlmann/ Illustrated by: Lior Katzir / Publisher: Yedioth Books

What happens when you want to go forward and an elephant is blocking your path…? You could yell, get angry and complain. Or you could try to speak to the elephant nicely, with kind words and in high spirits, and use a particularly useful magic word – “please”. Elephant on the Path offers readers different possibilities for responding when something bothers them, in line with the famous saying:

The words of the wise come quietly to the ear

(Ecclesiastes 9:17)


Reading together, experiencing together

Family Activities

Have you ever wanted to do something and had someone interrupt you? how did it make you feel? What did you do and say? This book offers the opportunity to discuss these kinds of situations, as well as some good-spirited solutions.


Classroom Activities

What happens when you want to go forward and an elephant is blocking your path…? You could yell, get angry and complain. Or you could try to speak to the elephant nicely, with kind words and in high spirits, and use a particularly useful magic word – "please". Elephant on the Path offers readers different possibilities for responding when something bothers them, in line with the famous saying:

The words of the wise come quietly to the ear

(Ecclesiastes 9:17)


Reading together, experiencing together

פעילות בחיק המשפחה

  • A home response die- Someone snatched something from me, took something I wanted, interrupted me, bothered me – what do I do? You could think of positive responses together, like using the word "please", or explaining what bothered you. How about making a paper die and writing all kinds of positive responses on each side, perhaps adding an illustration that depicts the written text? That way, whenever you come up against a problem, you could always throw the die and see what it suggests that you do in response.
  • A game – Which animal?- Various animals appear in this book: Which one meows? Which one lays eggs? And which one lives in the shed? Let's find out! One of the players picks an animal, and the rest of the family has to guess which animal they picked by posing questions, and getting hints, such as "the animal I picked meows", "the animal I picked lives in a pen". Keep adding more clues until your family has guessed which animal was chosen.
  • Ladies and Gentlemen – The show!- You could act the story out using clothes, hats, accessories, or stuffed animals. You could make the sounds made by the animals, show how each one responds upon encountering the elephant, or be the elephant sleeping on the path.
  • Discussion- Have you ever wanted to do something and had someone interrupt you? how did it make you feel? What did you do and say? This book offers the opportunity to discuss these kinds of situations, as well as some good-spirited solutions.

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