Kindergarten Books > Mr. Minasa’s Shoes

Mr. Minasa’s Shoes

Written by Ronit Hacham / Illustrated by Shahar Manapov / Publisher: Agam

Distribution: March 2018; 110,000 copis in 2013

 Mr. Minasa can’t get rid of his old shoes that came with him to Israel from a faraway country. Each time he tries to throw the shoes further and further, and each time they are returned to him! Israeli children’s author Ronit Hacham wrote this humorous rendition of an Ethiopian folktale that deals with tradition, heritage, and aliya to the Land of Israel. The story idea had been submitted to an Israeli publisher a long time ago but he had not done anything with it until Sifriyat Pijama met with him as part of efforts to induce publishers to think of books appropriate for the program. Israel’s leading troupe for children, Orna Porat Children’s Theater, is now in the process of turning the story into a play that will be performed nation-wide.

Family Activities

Mr. Minasa can't get rid of the old shoes that traveled with him to Israel from a faraway country. Each time he tries to throw the shoes away, they are returned to him! Israeli children's author Ronit Chacham wrote this humorous Ethiopian rendition of a folktale that deals with tradition, heritage, ...


Classroom Activities

An Old Pair of Shoes / Ronit Chacham
Illustrations: Masha Manapov

Dear Parents,

Mr. Minasa can't get rid of the old shoes that traveled with him to Israel from a faraway country. Each time he tries to throw the shoes away, they are returned to him! Israeli children's author Ronit Chacham wrote this humorous Ethiopian rendition of a folktale that deals with tradition, heritage, and aliya to the Land of Israel.

The Lord said to Abram, "Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you." (Genesis 12:1) 

Throughout the generations, Jews have wandered from country to country, each time finding ways to fit into their new home. Many Israeli families today originated in different countries around the world. Like Mr. Minasa, they brought with them distant traditions, culture, and language to be woven into their new lives in Israel.

ቤተ እስራኤል - Beta Israel: The Ethiopian Jewish Community

"An Old Pair of Shoes" is a children's rendition of a folk-tale, told to the author Ronit Chacham by Yashito Amsalo, an Ethiopian immigrant who in turn heard it from her family. The Beta Israel community lived in Ethiopia for generations and clung stubbornly to their Jewish traditions and customs. Most members of the community immigrated to Israel en masse in covert operations carried out in the 1980's and 1990's, following a long and arduous journey by foot across the desert.

פעילות בחיק המשפחה

  • Noa is very attached to the old doll that her grandmother made for her, but also likes new dolls and toys. You can ask your children which dolls and toys they like in particular, and remind them who gave them the gifts and under which circumstances.
  • Mr. Minasa tried to get rid of his old shoes when he arrived in the new country. You can play an imaginary game with your children: If you were leaving for a faraway place, what would you take with you and what would you leave behind?
  • Like Grandmother Agarnesh, you too can craft a hand-made doll for your child, using old socks and clothing. You are invited to send us a photograph of the doll, which we will happily post on the Sifriyat Pijama website!
  • Mr. Minasa arrived in the new country from Ethiopia. Where did your family originate? This is an opportunity to share your personal immigrant story with your children, and show them photographs of the old country. Perhaps you too have old bjects or clothing that you can search for together.
  • Mr. Minasa's neighbors recognized his old shoes and returned them to him. Did you ever find something and return it to its owner? Was the owner happy to receive the lost object?
  • You can act out the story with your children. Each one in turn takes on the role of Mr. Minasa and looks for places around the house to hide the shoes. The other player finds them and declares, "Oh, here are Mr. Minasa's old shoes!"

רעיונות לשילוב הספר בגן

From the Field

הנעליים של אדון מינאסה

מאת רונית חכם

תרגום לרוסית של ההצעות להורים המודפסות בדפים האחרונים של הספר


Туфли господина Минаса


Дорогие родители!

Господину Минаса никак не удается избавиться от старых туфель, которые он привез с собой из далекой страны. Каждый раз он выбрасывает из все дальше и дальше, и каждый раз их ему возвращают!

Народная эфиопская сказка в забавной форме описывает знакомые всем нам раздумья, как совместить старое и новое в нашей жизни. Совместное чтение книжки с детьми дает возможность поговорить о случаях из вашей личной и семейной жизни, связанных с традициями, обычаями и алией в Израиль.

Уйди из земли твоей, от родни твоей и из дома отца твоего в землю, которую Я укажу тебе. ( Берешит 12:1(

Многие поколения евреев кочевали из страны в страну и каждый раз находили способы приспособиться к жизни на новом месте. Многие израильские семьи прибыли сюда из других стран и также, как господин Минаса привезли с собой культуру, язык, обычаи, которые они хотели бы сохранить в новой стране.

ቤተእስራኤልБейта Исраэль – община евреев Эфиопии

Рассказ "Туфли Господина Минаса" – это детский вариант народной сказки, которую писательница РонитХахам слышала от ИшитоАмсало, которая, в свою очередь, слышала ее от своих родных. Община Бейта Исраэль жила в Эфиопии в течение многих поколений и преданно сохраняла еврейские традиции и обычаи. Большинство членов общины совершили алию в Израиль в ходе секретных операций (в основном операции Моше и операции Шломо) после долгого и тяжелого пешего перехода.

Занятия в кругу семьи

  • Ноа очень привязана к старой кукле, которую сшила для нее бабушка, но также любит и новые игрушки и новых кукол. Вы можете спросить своих детей, какие игрушки и куклы им особенно нравятся. Можно также вспомнить вместе, от кого они получили эти игрушки и по какому случаю.
  • Господин Минаса хотел избавиться от старых туфель, когда прибыл в новую страну. Можно поиграть с детьми в игру воображения: если бы вы поехали в далекие места, что бы вы взяли с собой и что бы вы оставили позади?
  • Как и бабушка Агернеш, вы тоже можете сами сделать куклу из тряпочек и старых колготок. Мы приглашаем вас прислать нам фотографию вашей куклы и будем рады поместить ее на сайте Пижамной библиотечки!
  • Господин Минаса приехал в новую страну из Эфиопии. Откуда приехала ваша семья? Вы можете поделиться с детьми рассказами об алие и посмотреть вместе фотографии из вашей бывшей страны. Может быть, и у ваших детей есть вещи или старая одежда оттуда, можно их поискать вместе.
  • Дети и взрослые узнавали старые туфли Господина Минаса и возвращали их ему. Находили ли вы когда-нибудь чьи-то чужие вещи и возвращали ли их хозяевам? Рады ли были хозяева получить их назад?
  • Можно разыграть сценки по рассказу с вашими детьми. Каждый по очереди будет играть роль господина Минаса и искать, куда он может спрятать туфли, а другой "актер" будет находить их и объявлять:"О, вот и туфли господина Минаса!"

An Old Pair of Shoes / Ronit Chacham
Illustrations: Masha Manapov

Dear Parents,

Mr. Minasa can't get rid of the old shoes that traveled with him to Israel from a faraway country. Each time he tries to throw the shoes away, they are returned to him! Israeli children's author Ronit Chacham wrote this humorous Ethiopian rendition of a folktale that deals with tradition, heritage, and aliya to the Land of Israel.

The Lord said to Abram, "Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you." (Genesis 12:1) 

Throughout the generations, Jews have wandered from country to country, each time finding ways to fit into their new home. Many Israeli families today originated in different countries around the world. Like Mr. Minasa, they brought with them distant traditions, culture, and language to be woven into their new lives in Israel.

ቤተ እስራኤል - Beta Israel: The Ethiopian Jewish Community

"An Old Pair of Shoes" is a children's rendition of a folk-tale, told to the author Ronit Chacham by Yashito Amsalo, an Ethiopian immigrant who in turn heard it from her family. The Beta Israel community lived in Ethiopia for generations and clung stubbornly to their Jewish traditions and customs. Most members of the community immigrated to Israel en masse in covert operations carried out in the 1980's and 1990's, following a long and arduous journey by foot across the desert.

Family Activities:

1. Noa is very attached to the old doll that her grandmother made for her, but also likes new dolls and toys. You can ask your children which dolls and toys they like in particular, and remind them who gave them the gifts and under which circumstances.

2. Mr. Minasa tried to get rid of his old shoes when he arrived in the new country. You can play an imaginary game with your children: If you were leaving for a faraway place, what would you take with you and what would you leave behind?

3. Like Grandmother Agarnesh, you too can craft a hand-made doll for your child, using old socks and clothing. You are invited to send us a photograph of the doll, which we will happily post on the Sifriyat Pijama website!

4. Mr. Minasa arrived in the new country from Ethiopia. Where did your family originate? This is an opportunity to share your personal immigrant story with your children, and show them photographs of the old country. Perhaps you too have old bjects or clothing that you can search for together.

5. Mr. Minasa's neighbors recognized his old shoes and returned them to him. Did you ever find something and return it to its owner? Was the owner happy to receive the lost object?

6. You can act out the story with your children. Each one in turn takes on the role of Mr. Minasa and looks for places around the house to hide the shoes. The other player finds them and declares, "Oh, here are Mr. Minasa's old shoes!"