Kindergarten Books > The Littlest Levine

The Littlest Levine

Written by: Sandy Lanton / Illustrated by: Claire Keay / Publisher: Mizrahi Media

Distribution: March 2017

“Why is this night different from all other nights?”: Hannah does not like being the youngest in her family; she too wants to help like everyone else, and go to school with her older siblings. But on Seder Night everything is different, because that’s when being the littlest is the best!

Family Activities

Hannah does not like being the youngest in her family; she too wants to help like everyone else, and go to school with her older siblings. But on Seder Night everything changes, because that's when being the littlest is the best!


Classroom Activities

Hannah does not like being the youngest in her family; she too wants to help like everyone else, and go to school with her older siblings. But on Seder Night everything changes, because that's when being the littlest is the best!

"And you shall tell your child" – The Passover Seder

For over 2000 years family and friends gather round the table for the Passover Seder to recant the story of the exodus, and pass on traditions and customs from one generation to the next. The children are at the center of the festivities, and their questions are addressed with great respect and excitement.

In many homes, the youngest child sings the Four Questions (Ma Nishtana). "On this night", being the littlest is the best!

 Happy Passover!

פעילות בחיק המשפחה

  • Perhaps you would enjoy looking at the illustrations and finding clues for the holidays mentioned in the story: Sukkot, Hanukkah and Purim. You could discuss the holidays in your family together: what do you especially like about each holiday? With whom do you spend them? Does your child have a favorite holiday?
  • When you read the story for the first time, did you guess where Grandpa was taking little Hannah? Does your child also share a special relationship with an older member of the family? You may want to ask the elderly members of your family how they used to celebrate Passover. Which special customs or dishes did they have at home? Did they also sing Ma Nishtana as children on Seder Night?
  • How do you celebrate Passover in your family? Does your child also have a special role to play on Seder Night? You may want to create a holiday scrapbook together, and suggest that your child draw the family celebrating together on Seder night and throughout the holiday.
  • Does your child know any Passover songs, traditional or new? Can they sing Ma Nishtana? You may enjoy singing Passover songs together.
  • On Seder Night, Hannah realizes that being the littlest Levine is the best. You may also want to discuss issues of big and small in your family. Ask your child what they would have liked to do on their own, and think of tasks in preparation for Passover that your child can do themselves. Children are happy and love to help – it would be wonderful if you could give them the opportunity to feel all grown-up!

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