Kindergarten Books > One, Two, Three, What Can a Mushroom Be?

One, Two, Three, What Can a Mushroom Be?

Written and illustrated by: Alona Frankel, Modan Publishing House

To be distributed in December/Tevet

Three dwarves go out for a walk, and find three mushrooms. With great imagination and inventiveness, their mushrooms become umbrellas, boats, parachutes and so on. This classic optimistic winter tale encourages readers to engage in creative thinking.

Family Activities

Three dwarves go out for a walk, and find three mushrooms. With great imagination and inventiveness, their mushrooms become umbrellas, boats, parachutes and so on. This classic optimistic winter tale encourages readers to engage in creative thinking.


Classroom Activities

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One, Two, Three, What Can a Mushroom Be?
Written and illustrated by: Alona Frankel

Suggestions for Family Activities
What do you do when you come across an obstacle in your path? The dwarves in our story were upset for a moment, but immediately found a solution and kept going! By joining forces, staying optimistic and engaging in lots of creative thinking, they discovered that a mushroom could be a parachute, boat, and no less important – a cause for putting a big smile on their faces:

Wherefore I perceived that there is nothing better than that a man should rejoice in his works
(Ecclesiastes 3:22)

Alona Frankel (born in 1937) is an illustrator and author of children’s books. She has written over 30 children’s books that have been translated into several languages, among them The Family of Tiny White Elephants [Sefer HaPilpilim] and Once Upon a Potty [Sir HaSirim]

Arts & crafts, songs and other activities are available on the Sifriyat Pijama Pinterest page

פעילות בחיק המשפחה

  • A Discussion on problem-solving What can we do when we encounter a problem? You may want to share incidents with your children in which you, parents, have encountered a problem. Try to think back to how you felt, think of possible solutions together, and then tell them how you solved the problem.
  • What can we do with…? A hoop can be a steering wheel, a plate or… Scan the QR code and watch a video about creativity? Later, you can continue to think about – What can we do with a paper roll? A kerchief? A dwarf puppet?
  • Singing together The dwarves planted mushrooms and sang “all the songs they knew”. You too can sing your favorite songs together. Perhaps you’ll sing about dwarves, or rain, or songs that cheer you up and make you smile.
  • A Game of “Which Dwarf am I?” Take turns pretending to be one of the dwarves that appear in this book: The one with the umbrella, the one planting a mushroom, or the one jumping into puddles. The other players will try to guess what the dwarf is doing and find it in the book.
  • Pleased to meet you, I’m Hyla! I’m similar to a frog but smaller. I can be found in Israel, mostly on trees, eating insects and laying eggs in water. I am a protected species and therefore cannot be kept in a jar – only in nature.

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