Kindergarten Books > One Last Story

One Last Story

Written by: Eilam Ben-Dror / Illustrated by: Shahar Kober / Pulbisher: Matar

Distribution: May 2020

It’s already night and time to go to sleep, so Dad makes up an imaginary story that sweeps readers along. A warm, humorous story that celebrates that magical space where parents, children and stories meet.



Family Activities

 "Daddy, that doesn't make any sense. Who would think up such nonsense?!"


Classroom Activities

 Dear Parents,

 "Daddy, that doesn't make any sense. Who would think up such nonsense?!"

When the little boy in this book asks his father for "one more story", his father's response is creative, imaginative, and amusing.

Bedtime may cause friction and tension, but may also provide an opportunity for experience sharing and family bonding. One Last Story reminds readers that a good bedtime story is a recipe for closeness, shared enjoyment, and love.


One Last Story is the last book you will be getting from PJ Library this year. We wish you many hours of fun reading books and telling stories, whether at bedtime, Shabbat afternoon, on vacation, or whenever you feel like it!

פעילות בחיק המשפחה

  • What is a yak? Have you ever seen a badger? One Last Story is filled with various different animals. You may want to look at the illustrations and get to know new ones. Perhaps you would enjoy taking this book with you on a visit to the zoo or safari, so you could look for all the animals that appear in it while you are there.
  • Does your family have fixed actions that accompany the transition from daytime to bedtime, such as brushing teeth, a bedtime story, prayer or lullaby? Do you like to read Sifriyat Pajama books at bedtime? If you like, you could start a new family habit or ritual that will help your child fall asleep easily and happily.
  • How about playing "guess who?": Take turns picking one of the animals in the book, moving like it and making the sounds it produces. Can the rest of your family guess which animal you are?
  • What's your story? You may enjoy making a story up together, based on real facts or entirely fictitious. You could make some illustrations to go along with it, and create a book out of it.

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