Books > Purple Monster

Purple Monster

Written and Illustrated by: Rinat Hoffer / Publisher: Kinneret

Distribution: June 2018

A story with no beginning and no end, about a long and purple monster and the amusing trouble that happen because of her.
The book by the beloved creator Rinat Hoffer surprises us in every page in a rich and colorful associations game.

Family Activities

A purple monster begins a chain of amusing events in which every actions leads to the next: the bite leads to a hug, which in turn leads to gnawing, scribbling, floating balloons, and a boat sailing in juice.


Classroom Activities

Dear Parents,

A purple monster begins a chain of amusing events in which every actions leads to the next: the bite leads to a hug, which in turn leads to gnawing, scribbling, floating balloons, and a boat sailing in juice. Whatever we do – whether as individuals or groups, at home with our families or elsewhere – leads to another actions that impacts our surroundings, and brings us closer to one another.



"All Jews are regarded as one soul" (Midrash Yelamdenu)

This joyful chain of events started by the monster connects characters from different worlds. It is cyclical, and urges us to go back to the beginning and start the journey all over again. What actions and steps taken by us connect us to one another? And what can we do in order to ensure that the chain linking us together will be one of laughter, joy, and amusement?


Enjoy reading the book together!


פעילות בחיק המשפחה

  • You may enjoy sitting and looking at the illustrations together. What do you see on each page? The purple monster appears several times in the book. Have you noticed any differences in its depictions throughout the story? What is it wearing on its feet each time?
  • Purple Monster is a cyclical book. You may want to ask your child to choose one of the characters, look for it together, and begin the story on the page on which it appears.
  • Has your child managed to complete the next word using the illustrations and rhymes the first time you read the book together? You may enjoy reading it several times. In time, your child will become more familiar with the story, and be able to "read" it on their own.
  • Did your child find the illustrations amusing? What is real and unreal about each of them? Perhaps you would like to ask your child to choose one page in the book, and have them describe what is happening in it to you in their own words.
  • You could invent a new game called "guess what's in the picture": show your child images or photographs out of books or newspapers, cover part of them, and see if your child can guess what is under the cover.
  • You could also make up a chain of events. You may want to imagine what might have happened had the purple monster tickled you – what would you have done? And what would have happened next?
  • You could create a human chain, and take a "silly walk" together: hold your child's hand, let others join you, and take a walk hand in hand through the house or outside. Each time a different person in the chain can take the lead, and the rest will follow – walking, stopping, hopping, crawling… you could then change places within the chain and keep on walking, until you're back at the beginning again.

רעיונות לשילוב הספר בגן

From the Field